Experience the luxury of a spa at your home!
As per Ayurvediya texts, relaxation has a scientific and therapeutic basis which not only involves taking care of the physical body but also taking care of your emotional and mental being. KVM’s relaxation pack gives proper rest to your physical, relieves body pain, gives relaxation to your muscles and nerves, promotes proper blood circulation. Physical stress is taken care of while specifically selected herbs also release their aroma which is 100% natural thus creating a conducive atmosphere to balance your emotional being as well.
Use our 2 medicated oils and our trademark combination of Himalayan herbs and purified clays ‘Herbomineral’ specifically designed for you!
Recommended Usage Duration: Use at least once a week and kindly devote min. 45-70 mins per sitting for best results
WEEKEND RELAXATION KIT - Herbomineral 300g + Mrudul oil 110ml+ Poshan hair oil
1) KVM POSHAN is a combination of 12 relaxing and nourishing herbs (Bhringa-Bramhi & more) . Take KVM POSHAN oil 10 ml and apply on your head with gentle massage. Again take 5 ml oil and apply on your soles. While applying KVM Poshan hair oil on your scalp, give a gentle massage so that the oil penetrates into the hair follicles. Leave it on.
2) KVM Mrudul is a combination of unique-7 ingredients. Take 15 ml. of KVM MRUDUL and add 20 ml of a carrier oil (mustard, sesame, coconut or olive) to dilute it and apply over the body by gently massaging. 15 ml. of KVM MRUDUL oil is sufficient for whole body.
3) HERBOMINERAL is a balanced combination of 12 herbs and 4 types of soils. After massaging scalp with KVM Poshan and body with KVM Mrudul, Take 50 g. of HERBOMINERAL powder mix it with water to make a thin paste. Smear the paste all over body including head, palms and soles. Then relax for 20-30 mins on a mat or cloth. (If you are lying on your bed, use an extra blanket)
4) After relaxing, take bath with hot or cold water as suitable to you by rubbing your body till the powder is washed off
5) After this bath you should lie down without taking a pillow or taking a very thin pillow and relax completely.
Someone who knows the technique of Shavasana or meditation can also practice it. You will experience that HERBOMINERAL bath promotes meditation.
Celebrate the weekend with our weekend relaxation kit and enjoy a renewed vitality and enthusiasm, so you remain fresh to achieve more in the week.